Hi, I'm
Ryan Zegray 👋
I am a software engineer from Toronto, Canada. Currently I work at Dooly as a full stack software engineer. Previously I worked on Voice Agent with Watson for IBM Cloud and developer experience for Open Liberty.
I am passionate about web technologies, cloud and open source. I always love to meet new people so please feel free to get in touch.
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Python
- Ruby
- Java
- React.js
- Redux
- Next.js
- React Native
- Node.js
- Express
- Rails
- Git
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Cloud computing
- Agile development
Projects & Open Source Contributions
Eclipse LSP4MP + Tools for MicroProfile
LSP4MP is a language server that provides core language support for MicroProfile APIs, including code complete, diagnostics, snippets and more. The Tools for MicroProfile extension leverages LSP4MP to provide a rich VS Code editing experience for developers.
- TypeScript
- Node.js
- MicroProfile
- VSCode
- Java
MicroProfile Starter VSCode Extension
The MicroProfile Starter extension provides support for generating a MicroProfile Java project with examples based on the Eclipse MicroProfile Starter project. You are able to generate a project by choosing a MicroProfile version, server and specifications, such as Config, Health, Metrics, and more.
- TypeScript
- Node.js
- MicroProfile
- VSCode
Voice Agent with Watson Dashboard
Voice Agent with Watson (Now part of Watson Assistant) enhances your call center operations by orchestrating Watson services and integrating them with the telephone network. Your voice agent can listen and respond to customers using natural language.
- JavaScript
- React.js
- Node.js
Open Liberty dev mode
Open Liberty development mode allows you to develop applications with any text editor or IDE by providing hot reload and deployment, on demand testing, and debugger support. Your code is automatically compiled and deployed to your running server, making it easy to iterate on your changes.
- Java
- Gradle
- MicroProfile